Post berikut bukan bermaksud membandingkan atau membenci atau apapun. Purely just my point of view. If you feel offend, I'm sorry, just don't read this. Thanks
Resmi sudah gw nonton 4 konser K-Pop dalam kurun waktu 1 tahun ini. Dari konser tunggal sampe konser keroyokan.
Dan ini hanyalah pandangan gw mengenai K-Pop artist yang sudah datang kemarin.
Kalo dibuat rangking berdasarkan fan service dan penguasaan panggung, mungkin akan terlihat cenderung kepada bias, tapi memang kenyataan hehehehe
1. Super Junior
King of Hallyu Wave. Ga salah juga dengan julukan itu. Super Junior menguasai dengan baik setiap panggung yang mereka gunakan. Pengalaman memang ga bisa bohong ya. Sunbae memang ditempa oleh waktu.
Pertama liat mereka di SS4. Beneran keliatan kalo mereka enjoy banget ada di stage. They live for it, life on it. They owned the stage.
Menyapa penggemar dari ujung ke ujung, lari-larian, kalo perlu jadi yang terakhir meninggalkan panggung. Mereka betul betul menikmati saat-saat berada di panggung.
Ga cuma di SuShow, di SMTown dan MuBank pun mereka begitu. Gila-gilaan dipanggung, benar-benar berterimakasih kepada fans yang datang.
Mungkin itu salah satu alasan mereka punya fans paling banyak, diseluruh dunia.
2. 2PM
Entertainer sejati! Kocak abis!
Dengan image Macho, siapa bilang mereka ga bisa jadi cute? Bisa menyapa penonton dengan hangat, ga pernah lupa tersenyum, selalu ceria.
3. B1A4
Ini Rookie imut nan unyu pinter banget ambil hati fansnya. Care banget sama fansnya. Dan semakin banyak mereka show, akan semakin hebat mereka menguasai panggungnya
Cutie girls~ dengan gaya ceria dan cantik. Princess style mereka anggun tapi down to earth <3 ga terlalu kenal yang lain, tapi gw bisa bilang : Teen Top dan Infinite bisa enjoy the stage. Dan mereka bisa menghibur fansnya
Satu yang agak mengejutkan adalah Shinee, yang di variety show keliatannya "seru", tapi dipanggung justru jadi....apa ya? terlalu cool? jadi kaya jauh dari jangkauan.
Trus Beast...umm..not judging, but from what I saw on MuBank, I wonder.....are they too tired till can't smile when all artist gather on the stage? aish....
Penayangan bulan lalu
Kamis, 14 Maret 2013
come to Noona
Really came true!
B1A4 1st showcase!!!
Well, some incident happen ><
We're too excited till some of us fainted, made CNU worried and he told us to step back so the first line can breath
Till finally they stopped the show, only to made us sit so no one will get hurt.
Okay, now....let's fangirling!!!
so handsome, cutie pie, aaaaahhhhhh
really cool ><
really really cute funny baby
kinda shy but cute boy
oh no....biaslist wrecker
this is the real maknae, flawless, cutie pie, oh no....Channie! take noona with you!
His eyes saying hello to every fans he saw...and I can felt it <3
B1A4 became ALAY! ahahahaha
Ciyus? Miapa? Alhamdulilah, Mantap!
Noona Loves You All
(Okay, this is a really random post, so just ignore it!)
come to Noona
Really came true!
B1A4 1st showcase!!!
Well, some incident happen ><
We're too excited till some of us fainted, made CNU worried and he told us to step back so the first line can breath
Till finally they stopped the show, only to made us sit so no one will get hurt.
Okay, now....let's fangirling!!!
so handsome, cutie pie, aaaaahhhhhh
really cool ><
really really cute funny baby
kinda shy but cute boy
oh no....biaslist wrecker
this is the real maknae, flawless, cutie pie, oh no....Channie! take noona with you!
His eyes saying hello to every fans he saw...and I can felt it <3
B1A4 became ALAY! ahahahaha
Ciyus? Miapa? Alhamdulilah, Mantap!
Noona Loves You All
(Okay, this is a really random post, so just ignore it!)
MuBank to BABA
Crazy weekend!
Saturday went to watch Music Bank on Gelora Bung Karno then continue with BABA B1A4 1st Showcase in Jakarta on Tuesday
So tired T.T
But I'm Happy <3
Music Bank in Jakarta is the worst show i've ever attended
1. When we enter the venue.
I bought the ticket from a sponsor, that promised to let the ticket owner to enter the venue 1 hour earlier and got the standing festival, which was supposed to be 5 p.m
But you know what happen? A BIG MESS!
The security didnt open the gate till 6p.m! And all mixed up! The sponsored ticket owner got mixed with the pre-order ticket owner, who sadly got the seated festival, and....oh so damn the stage too close to the seat so the standing festival very small.
Pushed! Steped! Move! Jumped! Shouted!
Couldnt realized what happen around me. All I remember is that my friend draged me inside the gate and succesfully entered the standing festival area.
Different with SMTown Festival, this is just....over capacity. Couldnt sit or move without being stepped or kicked
The only thing that made us happy was the stage very near.
So I can see KYU clearly!!!!
for 3 hours Kyu became the MC along with Jung Jinwon and Taecyeon <3 and also Nadya Mulya. I didnt blink when Kyu MCing kekeke
The performance?
The artist are awesome, but not with the 'Technic Division'
Poor Teen Top must re-performance the first song -.-
Really bad on the system. Make me ashamed and angry.
Back to the artist
Opened by Teen Top, then Infinite
Okay. I really have no idea who are they, what was their songs. So, i just watching people around me.
There's a girl, screamed so loud till I have to move away from her side. but still i can hear her voice.
Then Sistar and Beast! Oh, this one I know kekekek~
I can sing along with Beautiful Night. But when Fiction and Shock played, i just enjoying the song since I.....just heard the songs once before kekekeke
Eru....I don't really know his song ><
Indonesian performance by Afgan and S4. Afgan danced! Omo!
Also special stage from Hyorin feat Eru sang Kemesraan and the Korean Drama Ost stage
The heat strike me when Shinee appeared. Sing along to their songs!
MINHO so damn handsome!
and I have to admit that Key! with that blonde hair he looks so.....HOT
Then it's time for 2PM!
Woaaaaa Nickhun didnt stop smiling and cheering us! And oh my hot Taecyeon, teasing us with unbuttons his shirt but not stripped ><
They sang satu satu aku sayang ibu ^^
Really good entertainer!
and finale....SUPER JUNIOR
WHoaaaaa move to the front line!
As the Senior, their stage act really the best! Greeting all fans from one edge to the other side of the stage. Really Kings of the stage!
Ah,,,,the best part
Saturday went to watch Music Bank on Gelora Bung Karno then continue with BABA B1A4 1st Showcase in Jakarta on Tuesday
So tired T.T
But I'm Happy <3
Music Bank in Jakarta is the worst show i've ever attended
1. When we enter the venue.
I bought the ticket from a sponsor, that promised to let the ticket owner to enter the venue 1 hour earlier and got the standing festival, which was supposed to be 5 p.m
But you know what happen? A BIG MESS!
The security didnt open the gate till 6p.m! And all mixed up! The sponsored ticket owner got mixed with the pre-order ticket owner, who sadly got the seated festival, and....oh so damn the stage too close to the seat so the standing festival very small.
Pushed! Steped! Move! Jumped! Shouted!
Couldnt realized what happen around me. All I remember is that my friend draged me inside the gate and succesfully entered the standing festival area.
Different with SMTown Festival, this is just....over capacity. Couldnt sit or move without being stepped or kicked
The only thing that made us happy was the stage very near.
So I can see KYU clearly!!!!
for 3 hours Kyu became the MC along with Jung Jinwon and Taecyeon <3 and also Nadya Mulya. I didnt blink when Kyu MCing kekeke
The performance?
The artist are awesome, but not with the 'Technic Division'
Poor Teen Top must re-performance the first song -.-
Really bad on the system. Make me ashamed and angry.
Back to the artist
Opened by Teen Top, then Infinite
Okay. I really have no idea who are they, what was their songs. So, i just watching people around me.
There's a girl, screamed so loud till I have to move away from her side. but still i can hear her voice.
Then Sistar and Beast! Oh, this one I know kekekek~
I can sing along with Beautiful Night. But when Fiction and Shock played, i just enjoying the song since I.....just heard the songs once before kekekeke
Eru....I don't really know his song ><
Indonesian performance by Afgan and S4. Afgan danced! Omo!
Also special stage from Hyorin feat Eru sang Kemesraan and the Korean Drama Ost stage
The heat strike me when Shinee appeared. Sing along to their songs!
MINHO so damn handsome!
and I have to admit that Key! with that blonde hair he looks so.....HOT
Then it's time for 2PM!
Woaaaaa Nickhun didnt stop smiling and cheering us! And oh my hot Taecyeon, teasing us with unbuttons his shirt but not stripped ><
They sang satu satu aku sayang ibu ^^
Really good entertainer!
and finale....SUPER JUNIOR
WHoaaaaa move to the front line!
As the Senior, their stage act really the best! Greeting all fans from one edge to the other side of the stage. Really Kings of the stage!
Ah,,,,the best part
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